A moment in time, a moment for years to come

Kiana had the pleasure of working with H2R for an updated photoshoot of our grounds and food, sans wedding. So much has changed over the years, as it has been a few since our last, so it was a very much-needed update for us to share with our clients. A venue photoshoot sounds like such a simple concept: hire a photographer and let them go to town, but it there is so much more that goes on behind the scenes. It took weeks of preparation actually, nearly a month of behind the scenes work. From deep cleans, to fresh stains, our staff worked around the clock and events too. Floors were waxed and buffed, cobwebs constantly being swept away, lights of all different shapes and sizes constantly being moved and replaced to find the perfect wattage…you name it, and it was done. The week before and the day of, tides had to be watched around the clock to get the perfect beach shots. We did not want the tides to be too high, or we would not be able to fully see the infamous “Laura’s Log”, but we did not want them to be too low either. The grounds crew constantly had to keep the flowers deadheaded, the lawn watered and mowed, bricks washed and moss free. We do a lot of this work in our general upkeep anyway, but extra hours were worked to ensure no detail was overlooked.

When the day finally came, we had the perfect Seattle weather; overcast and 70. We had a full kitchen, and a full menu of our bestselling dishes. We had staff there to set the rooms in a variety of different styles. We shot rooms/buildings for wedding and corporate setups in a variety of styles. Tables and buffets were set with food, beverages were poured, appetizers were tabled and passed. Overall, it was a full workday for everyone that was involved. Shots took hours to complete, tables and food were moved around all day long. Chairs were set, torn down, and moved, both indoors and out. The setups took nearly as much time as the photos did. With two buildings and the outdoors, it was a huge undertaking, but it was very successful. We’ve gained some really great photographs for use in menu making, marketing, and to provide our future and present clients with a fresh new perspective on this beautiful space we call Kiana.