The big day has finally come. After many years of waiting, listening, budgeting, and hoping for approvals; our parking lots are finally getting some much needed attention. After years of anticipation, Kiana is finally getting paved! Thanks to our friends at PMECC and a small stretch of dry weather (which we know is a rarity in the PNW outside of summertime), we were finally able to get this much needed addition to our beautiful venue accomplished! Gracee, our resident kitty cat, was the unofficial foreman for the project. She was very “hands-on” riding around on the equipment with the guys, and quickly became the most favourite part of their day.

It was a very long two week process too from a venue perspective. We have staff here every day of the week, who had to move their cars around...a lot… We had breakfast and lunch deliveries to make every day, and we were constantly driving around heavy equipment, gravel piles, light poles and other odds and ends. Every day it was a new obstacle course of some sort. The first day of concrete was right in the middle of a snowstorm..even right here on the waterfront. We had events going on during this period, so we had to get creative with wet concrete and getting our guests inside the buildings. Same story with our vendors as well; they had to find new and creative ways to deliver their products to us.

We are so grateful for everyone’s support and patience during this was certainly an adventure. Now that we’re working on the finishing touches, we’re finally starting to get things back to normal around here. With the bulk of the project finished, here’s some photos of the post construction for all you Kiana fans out there: